photo: Skitterphoto
The World Economic Forum and many other mainstream media and reknown organizations mention the UBI. Some countries are in the implementation stage and many "tests" are taking place around the globe. However, it's everyone's guessing why UBI hasn't changed a thing and has in fact created more problems along the way.
Take Greece for example. A similar program was introduced in late 2016 in which very poor people would benefit by making a simple petition, sending some proving papers to the municipality or the service responsible and then be granted a fixed amount of money every month.
Why I am against this UBI or whatever it is called and all of its variations?
At first it sounds very utopian! How nice to help out the poor, the needy, the disabled, the unemployed! But do you know how they are being helped out?
Not by a fair re-distribution of wealth and money and resources but by impoverishing the rest of the population. Those who still manage to hold a job, a decent position in a company, and the pensioners.
It is not a fair re-distribution of wealth.
So where does UBI lead us? To a society and a world where everyone finally ends up poor, homeless, unable to even enjoy and cover their basic social security needs. Not to mention that the enforced immigration and all that this situation encompasses leads many foreigners to apply for this UBI while the indigenous population feels underprivileged and denied this basic amount of money.
The people receiving UBI do sometimes spend it on luxurious materials, go for extravagant shopping, go after designers clothes and even resort to criminal activities to supplement this amount of money.
They even are doing menial jobs without social security or insurance and some choose not to work at all because they have this steady stream of income!
That's why I don't know if UBI is the best solution for the unemployment, the poverty and the immigration problem that our western societies are facing nowadays.
The World Economic Forum and many other mainstream media and reknown organizations mention the UBI. Some countries are in the implementation stage and many "tests" are taking place around the globe. However, it's everyone's guessing why UBI hasn't changed a thing and has in fact created more problems along the way.
Take Greece for example. A similar program was introduced in late 2016 in which very poor people would benefit by making a simple petition, sending some proving papers to the municipality or the service responsible and then be granted a fixed amount of money every month.
Why I am against this UBI or whatever it is called and all of its variations?
At first it sounds very utopian! How nice to help out the poor, the needy, the disabled, the unemployed! But do you know how they are being helped out?
Not by a fair re-distribution of wealth and money and resources but by impoverishing the rest of the population. Those who still manage to hold a job, a decent position in a company, and the pensioners.
It is not a fair re-distribution of wealth.
So where does UBI lead us? To a society and a world where everyone finally ends up poor, homeless, unable to even enjoy and cover their basic social security needs. Not to mention that the enforced immigration and all that this situation encompasses leads many foreigners to apply for this UBI while the indigenous population feels underprivileged and denied this basic amount of money.
The people receiving UBI do sometimes spend it on luxurious materials, go for extravagant shopping, go after designers clothes and even resort to criminal activities to supplement this amount of money.
They even are doing menial jobs without social security or insurance and some choose not to work at all because they have this steady stream of income!
That's why I don't know if UBI is the best solution for the unemployment, the poverty and the immigration problem that our western societies are facing nowadays.
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