photo: Julius Silver
Lately, it's very likely that every other day one stumbles upon articles about technology, AI and such matters. Little is mentioned about quantum computing, though.
What is quantum computing?
It is what the terminology includes and stands for. Computing based on quanta and quantum energy -- meaning small packets of energy which can be either absorbed or radiated.
Gone are the days when computers used to depend on algorithms and standard methods of analysis and straightforward, linear, mechanical computing. Now, there are other ways by which a computer can reach to an answer or a conclusion/deduction other than (linear) calculations.
Imagine a whole new world of endless possibilities lying ahead especially if we were to combine this new kind of technology with artificial intelligence and green, renewable resources of (powering) energy (e.g. sunlight, geothermal energy).
Facebook makes use of D-wave quantum computers. These computers are extra, super fast and can be "fed" info about a problem and then arrive at a "solution" almost intuitively.
It is yet to be understood how exactly all this process works, but it becomes clear that the Universe itself, the Ether, has all the answers to our problems. Somehow, the universe itself provides solutions to our problems.
What exactly are the ethers?
Ether in science - physics is the 5th element of space. All other elements supposedly derive from ether. It is the least understood element and the most difficult to pinpoint, calculate, measure, etc.
In medieval times many science experiments have taken place to prove or disprove the existence of this element.
Finally, it was proven that Ether does actually exist.
What/who is the driving force behind Ether?
This for me is the most important question of all.....
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